Thursday 30 August 2012

Earn by uploading the files

This is an amazing way to earn money. You you can upload files, which Includes anything & you will earn money when someone downloads the files. There are millions of people downloading stuffs everyday or searching to download. why don't you help & earn money for yourself. For more details,

Income from Paid surveys

Now the  way of making capital online with zero investment is the most famous known way that is Paid Survey. Everyone who wants to make funds on the internet knows about survey. It is the first answer which someone will give if we ask him which is the possible way to earn money on World Wide Web. But the popularity of this business attracts more frauds people who make many scam websites where people desperate to make money waste their time and earn nothing else then aggravation. That is why most of you people afraid to join survey site. So I research on internet for are the most genuine and trusty site. Process for me was like searching a pin on the sea shore. But finally I did it and found two honest sites which are given below. Join them to make cash online with zero investment under  different way of paid survey.

Extra income from link sharring

In this online world everyone share links. We send links of funny videos or images to our friends by forwarding or composing an email, or while chatting at chat rooms, or at social networking sites like Orkut or FaceBook or Twitter. It’s the normal thing which we all do daily. Why don’t make money doing so?

In tenth way of making money online without any investment, you will earn cash for simply Sharing Links. You can share any kind of links like of a website link or celebrity’s blog link, or video or an image link, an mp3 link, an informative article link, or even a download file link. But to make money by sharing those links you need to MONETIZE them first or better say you need to make them a PAID LINK. You have to use the below websites to make the normal link a Paid Link.

It’s very easy to convert a normal link into a paid link. First of all register on the website give below. After login there click on “create links” from the menu bar. It will then ask you for the link which you want to convert into a paid link. Copy your normal link and paste there, for example if you wants to make a paid link of a YouTube video then copy the link which appears in the address bar of that video window and paste it there to convert it.

After that it will ask for “Landing Page Content”. Here the landing page means the page which will open when your link is clicked. So there will be two options namely “clean for all ages” and “adult 18+”. Suppose you were sending link of funny image which does not contains adult content then select “clean for all age” option.

After that it will ask you for the type of paid link you want to create. Actually when we make a paid link and when someone clicks on it then it will show some advertisement. And these adverts are shown in three ways.

First one is “intermission ad” type where a whole page full of adverts will be shown for few seconds before opening your actual page. Suppose if you make a paid link of an audio mp3 using this intermission ad type then whenever someone clicks on that link, first of all a page will be opened showing advertisements and after 15 seconds it will automatically open that audio mp3 page. This type of paid link pays the most.

Second one is “popup ad” type. Here an addition popup window showing ads will be opened along with your actual link page window whenever someone clicks on this type of paid link. For example if you decided to create a paid link of a RapidShare link then whenever your friends click on it then it will open two windows; first one showing advertisements and the second one showing the download page of RapidShare. Here your friends will not wait for 15 seconds.

Third type is “top-banner ad” type where the advertisements will be automatically adjusted on the top of your link’s landing page. For example if you create a paid link of celebrity's blog link then when clicked it will show advertisement on the top of that same blog. Here no additional window opens and no one needs to wait for few second to open the actual page.

More people open your share link means more money you will collect. Below are the most trusted and honest websites on this internet so register on them and safely make money online without investment.  Enjoy it.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Earn income from Traffic Exchange

The eight way of making wealth online with no required money or with no investment is the Traffic Exchange. It may be very unfamiliar to you if you are new to online earning world. In traffic exchange we visit other’s website and earn money and credits. A window will open containing a time counter on the top with a website in it and this time counter lasts for few seconds. It’s similar to PTC site’s time counter explained in second way to make money. When time counter reaches zero then another website opens in that same window. And for visiting each website we earn credits.
There is a credit ratio which you must learn. 1:1 ratio means for visiting one site you will earn one credit (in this ratio time counter on the top will last for 20 seconds), 2:1 credit ratio means for visiting two site you will earn one credit (here the time counter will last for 15 seconds) and 1:2 ratio means for visiting one site you will earn two credits (time counter last for 40 seconds). Similarly are 2:3 and 4:3 ratios. Now for earning 1000 credits you will be given $0.30. Your credits are yours. It means after making 1000 credits you will earn 30 cents and still you have those earned credits in your account.
Now the interesting question is what can you do with these credits? Answer is very simple. You can ASSIGN them to your own site and get more visits or hits or simply say more traffic to your website. You can consider your earned Credits as Hits you collected. When you assign them to your website you will surely get visits. If you don't want traffic to your website or you don't have one then also no problem, you can still utilize your earned credits. You can assign those credits to your Referral Link or Affiliate Link and can earn when someone signup using your link, which is known as Paid Per Lead.
You can also use these credits at PTP sites or Paid To Promote websites. They are explained in the ninth way to make money. So don't worry about those credits which you will earn, there are varieties of ways by which you can spend them. So signup at the website given below to make cash online with no investment or with no risk


Tuesday 28 August 2012

Extra income without any investment

Another way of making currency online with no asset, rate or price is Paid To Review which I placed under fifth way to earn cash. As from the name itself you can understand that in this way you will be paid for writing reviews. You can write review on many things like for a product, for an organization or for a service. The rate per review may differ according to the product which you are reviewing. There are always a plenty of products and services available to write review on the below website, so you will always be busy with them. The more quality reviews you write on products or services (and if more readers like it) the more you will be paid. One important thing which you should know about the below website is that it is powered by Microsoft Bing, so there is no doubt about the legitimacy of this website. Hence, the conclusion is that this job is good for making cash online without any investment or without any required money. Click below to learn more.

<a href="" target="_new"><img src="" width="468" height="60" border="0"></a>

Monday 27 August 2012

Extra income

I strongly recommend you to join this program because it’s a very potential way to earn quick money online with less required efforts and skills. Trust me, if you dedicate only two hours daily in this program then you can earn from $2 - $5 per day.

Also discussion is not a new thing since we all are connected with our friends and family members through social networking websites (like FaceBook, Twitter, Orkut etc) and we discuss with them there. The same thing you can do here but this time you will earn money. All the facilities that are available on any social networking website are also available on this paid to forum discussion website. You can make new friends here by sending them friend request or can call your old friends to join this program. You can create your own custom profile page where you can write about yourself. You can also upload your pictures and can add videos too. You can send messages to your friends or can write comments on their profile page or on their photos and videos. Groups, communities, blogs, games, quizzes and lots more things are there. So in this program you will be paid for the things that you were already doing before. This is the main reason why I highly recommend you to join this program.

Let me explain the basic on which they pay money for the discussions. For asking a QUESTION (or starting a new DISCUSSION on a particular topic) you will be paid few cents. When someone answers that question (or add reply to your discussion) you will be paid few more. If you ask an interesting question or start an interesting discussion then you will be paid much more. According to their algorithm if your discussion is interesting then it will surely get more people’s attention and they will definitely add more replies. So if you get more replies or more answers then you will earn more.

You will also earn one or two cents if you add reply (or answer) to other’s discussion (or question). But you will earn much more if you did quality discussion i.e. if your reply (or answer) is accurate and descriptive (which contains all the detail). One more thing, if you add image, video or sound to your discussion then you will be paid for that. Even you can earn more by discussing on the field of interests which you select as your favorite. This is how you can earn money online by simply taking participation in the forum discussion. This website had helped me a lot in times when I was in trouble and needs quick money. Its like- work more and earn more, and unlike other websites it has no per day earning limit. So click on the link given below to register

All the best.


Saturday 25 August 2012

Hi friends,

One more interesting site that gives you more and more money for reading e mail and also refering the sites to your freieds.  Start immediately to earn extra income.

All the best.


Friday 24 August 2012

Hi friends,

In contineution of early post regarding the extra income for your life without any investment.

I am giving below the another excellent way to get extra income for your future .   Please join the site immediately with the link given below.  All you have to do his, enroll yourself in the programme and accept all the offers given by them and refer the same to your friends through referral, so that you will get more and more income.  Everything is free of cost, why wait for more.  Login the the link immediately.

All the best.


Tuesday 21 August 2012

Every one is like to earn additional income for their life. Spending lot of amount for extra income, but most of the cases it becomes failure It is not easy to start getting income within short period , if you ready to go by step by step you will give your extra income grows rapidly. I would like to teach you the simple way to earn your extra income without any investment.  You may amazing how to get extra income without any investment. Dont buy any e books etc., regarding how to get extra income, since all the informations are available in the internet freely.  I give below the methods , just follow the same and you will find your extra income will grow .

You are already know that "Paid to Click" sites or PTC sites:. The procedure is very simple, first of all we have to click the advertisement link, as we click the like new window opens with the sponsors advertisement showing their product or service, it will last to 20 to 30 seconds. Once it reaches zero your money is credited in your account, normally it cost .01 cents per adverisement  I give below the genuine company that pays earning to the members through paypal or alertpay .  

It is simple to open a  personal account in the or with your full particulars of name and corrrect postal address.  All the commission are sent through the any one of the accounts only, once the payout requirement is fulled the above companies are tranfering the amount to the paypal or altertpay account.   From there you can withdraw your money through cheque or direct to your bank account. First open these accounts freely then you can register the below five companies to get your additional income.

I give below five genine company pays income to their members, all you want to open all the accounts and start work to get your additional income.   I give you the simple way to avoid time.  Open all the five account in the internet and first start the first company and open the advertisements and minimise the same and start the second company and open the advertisement, like wise all the five companies . Toget more benefits just refer your referal id to your friends circle to do the same, so that your extra income will grow fastly.

In my next blog i will publish next way of income without any income.  Please feel free to contact in my mail id

All the best.